something major is happening :D no really something really good is happening and hoping that everything goes perfect ... "d3waatkom" :)
anyways ,, this week in uni was long lots of physiology "ahhhhhhhhhh" but it went well and its over hoping next week will be better,,,,
more about me weekend , GUESS WHAT !!! I WENT TO JEBEL ALI RACECOURSE AGAIN ,,, god i love the place soo amazing .. and the local jockey won the race i was soo happy for him ^^
seriously people who didn't go to such event should really find time to go ,, i had a great time specialy when you have the VIP seat :p and it was better than the first time now that i know the place ...
the rest of the weekend i guess will be for me blog because i missed it and missed my dear readers ^^ ...
hope you all enjoyed the weekend ^^